the Jihi Kitchen

Where your cycle and cravings meet
to unlock the happiest version of You


In the Jihi Kitchen, globally-inspired, phytonutrient-rich foods meet happy hormone meals to support the unique needs of women’s bodies.

Food is inevitable – every day, we face the question – “what do I eat?” We hope to help you use food to connect with your natural rhythms and support your overall well-being. 

Our Mediterranean-inspired recipes are designed to be nourishing, anti-inflammatory, and delicious. We focus on using seasonal, whole food ingredients that not only taste great but also promote hormonal balance and holistic health.

The Power of
Cycle Hacking™

At the heart of Jihi Kitchen is our innovative Cycle Hacking™ framework. By decoding your hormonal cycle phases, we generate personalized recommendations  that take out the guesswork of aligning your meal plans with your body.

Whether you’re in your menstruation, follicular, ovulation, or luteal phase, our tailored approach ensures you’re eating the right foods at the right time to feel your best.

Elevate your well-being with our dynamic Cycle Hacking™ tools to take the stress out of wellness and feel better than you ever have.

personal meal planning for hormone health

What is Jihi?

The word Jihi (pronounced gee – hee) is a Japanese word for compassion. ‘Ji’ is to offer joy to others, and ‘hi’ means to ease their pain.

We were inspired by the vision of how anyone can live in this place of Jihi, practicing heart-centered, compassionate living with their body, their self, their community, and their world.

The vision of Jihi is to provide products and resources that inspire you on your own Jihi journey, helping you fall deeper in love with your body, connect to your heart, and discover how living in alignment will help you spread joy and alleviate suffering in your own life and the world around you. We are grateful to be part of your journey in compassionate, conscious living. Welcome to Jihi.